Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Some Props, Cortland

First off, let me apologize for the brief hiatus in posting; this past weekend was Thanksgiving. Because of this holiday, I was able to take a break and drive home for the weekend. It was awesome!

As I was away I could not help but think about this blog and the problems of downtown Cortland. I am usually (and try to be!) a cynic when it comes to the progress our city; this is not the case today. Let me explain.

I had to work on Thanksgiving Day, so I was not able to go home until that night. I was furious about this at first (didn't want to miss Mom's turkey!), but I usually don’t let things beyond my control get the best of me. As I was leaving Cortland I had the opportunity to drive through the downtown area to get on Interstate 81. I must say… Main St. looked marvelous! There were lights and decorations—I almost didn’t want to leave! There were a lot of people walking through that area; I was jealous.

The whole three hour drive home I was thinking about how awesome Main St. looked. I’m sure that some of the people walking through the streets felt the same way that I did. I give you props, Cortland.

Now the question still remains: how can we take this positive factor that I’ve just noticed and turn it into something of use? Would it be possible to set up a big Christmas tree in the downtown area and have a lighting ceremony just like in Rockefeller Center? I don’t see why not! Then, later, we could even have a craft fair or something around the tree to encourage more people to come.

I’ve only been around once (last winter) during Christmas Break, so, in reality, I’m not even sure what this area is like around here. But, if it’s anything like what I saw leaving last Thursday… we’re in for good times and business. Cheers, Cortland.



Anonymous said...

What a nice tribute to Cortland Ray. I agree, a tree lighting ceremony would be fun.

Revitalizing downtown takes imagination as well as dollars. Are we short on the former? If so, the latter won't help much. Karen

KatieL said...

I think Cortland is short on dollars. Maybe a Cortland Downtown revitalization fundraiser is in order. I would LOVE a Christmas tree lighting ceremony. What about adopting a First Night celebration (for New Year's Eve)like Syracuse and downtown Corning do. I've been to the one in Corning and it was a lot of fun.